2020 Clinical Symposium Presentations


Subluxation Patterns Using Crest and Dollar Sign Indicators to Clear Respiratory Patterns


Bob Apol, DC


Dr. Apol will be presenting a novel integrative way of assessing and treating subluxation patterns commonly found in sacro occipital technique (SOT).  He has incorporated the work of SOT masters, Drs. John Farmer, Curtis Buddingh, and Robert Coté for this presentation.  He has found in decades of clinical experience that locating and treating respiratory subluxation patterns will eliminate most of the mixed signals and complex presentations that we find in our SOT practice.

Often respiratory patterns can be determined by assessing dollar (piriformis/sacral notch region) and crest (L4 sacrospinal region).  Once these are determined then a powerful way of removing dural tension and fixation patterns was discussed by John Farmer, DC.  He found that respiratory motion of the sacrum creates a tugging and releasing on the dura causing changes within the system, along with opening and closing motion at the dural sleeves and dural ports.

Another manner to clear the subluxation patterns involves using the dollar and crest signs.  Following clearing the various types of patterns using the dollar and crest signs as guides then suboccipital corrections will be covered.  The goal is to release spinal dural fixations by using the sacral and occipital regions as a means of assessment and treatment.


Introduction to Category FHP (Forward Head Posture)


Charles L. Blum, DC, CSCP


Category FHP is a comprehensive new category within SOT that can be part of category two and one treatment or as a stand-alone category independent of category two or one.  This whole body category FHP can involved ascending kinematic patterns from the lower extremities or descending kinematic patterns from the craniofacial region (commonly due to limited growth and development).  Airway compromise is common with this category and treatment includes novel use of blocks for the pelvis, shoulders, and rib cage; sternal roll for hyperkyphosis presentations, various specific craniofacial procedures; and an assortment of rehabilitative exercises and ergonomic modifications.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1:   Introduction to the theory behind category FHP and how it is integrated seamlessly into the SOT category system of analysis and treatment.

Objective 2:   Discuss what is category FHP and how to assess a patient for this category, and present the biomechanics and how this affects the whole kinematic chain of the body.

Objective 3:   Demonstrate the full body analysis and treatment of subjects so this category pattern can be understood and utilized within our SOT practices.

Teaching Methods will include:   Lecture, PowerPoint Slides, Demonstrations, and some Hands On.


The Long Term Sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury


Esther M. Remeta, DC, CSCP


With the current awareness of post-concussion syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorders particularly associated with head/brain trauma understanding that recovery is particularly slow and optimal therapeutic interventions can be an important part of the recover process.  Sacro occipital techniques and particularly cranial applications vary with the different types of brain traumas and assessment tools can vary from accurate history taking, physical assessments, specific neuro-radiological procedures, and laboratory analysis (e.g., neurotransmitters, etc.).  Facilitating recovery of this subset of patients can be an important aspect of a chiropractic practice since there are few other low risk interventions that might be as affective.  Along with discussing assessment tools, treatment and rehabilitative procedures will be covered so an effective methodology for treating these types of patients can be developed.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1:   Be able to understand how to assess patients with traumatic brain trauma and its pervasiveness in society (e.g. sport related injuries, automobile accidents, etc.).

Objective 2:   Develop a treatment plan particularly to aid recovery of patients suffering from the long term sequelae of traumatic brain injury.

Objective 3:   Incorporate SOT and SOT cranial procedures, along with specific nutrition and neuro-rehabilitative behaviors and exercises to facilitate the patient’s recovery


Lifestyle and Nutritional Considerations for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury


Jonathan B. Smith, DC, CSP


In recent years, great advances have been made in the understanding and treatment of Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, (mTBI). Nevertheless, much of this information has not been integrated into treatment protocols in the medical or alternative health fields. SOT chiropractic offers excellent cranial therapies which can be utilized for mTBI treatment. The addition of basic lifestyle and nutritional strategies can greatly improve outcomes for this underserved patient population.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1:   Address working with the head injured patient. Symptoms and the challenges they present for patient and doctor.

Objective 2:   Understanding the mechanism of injury and ongoing symptoms as a rationale for lifestyle and nutritional changes and specific recommendations for exercise and diet.

Objective 3:   Learning how to maximize brain recovery and function through nutritional supplementation.

Objective 4:  Recognize the need to consider the influence of other organ systems on brain function and the need for further treatment considerations.


Part One: Low oxygen/Hypoxia and Airway Issues in the TMJ and Cranially Challenged Patient. (Two Hours)

Part Two: Blood Chemistry and Adrenal function in the low Oxygen Patient. (Two Hours)


Jeffrey A. Mersky, DC, CSP


The importance of the loss of Oxygen in anyone is life threatening and damaging at best to a large segment of your Patient population.  Recognizing this very important presentation will greatly improve your Diagnostic abilities and help you-treat more effectively with much better outcomes. The Hypoxic patient always enters into the survival mode  or the Sympathetic response of fight or flight which puts a great strain upon the Adrenal glands and many other systems in the body. We will explore how to assess this with Lab work and CMRT nutritional support.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1:   Appreciation of a life threatening condition that is rather common in everyone’s practice.

Objective 2:   Understanding how to proceed with the proper work up procedures.

Objective 3:   Understanding how we as Chiropractors can stabilize and help save and enhance people’s lives.