Holtrop, DP , J Manipulative Physiol Ther  2000; 23:615-8


Abstract: Objective: To discuss the management and resolution of suckling intolerance in a 6-month-old infant. Clinical Features: A 6-month-old boy with a 2-month history of aversion to suckling was evaluated in a chiropractic office. Static and motion palpation and observation detected an abnormal inward dishing at the occipitoparietal junction, as well as upper cervical (C1-C2) asymmetry and fixation. These indicated the presence of cranial and upper cervical subluxations.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient was treated 5 times through use of cranial adjusting; 4 of these visits included atlas (C1) adjustment. The suckling intolerance resolved immediately after the first office visit and did not return.

Conclusion: It is possible that in the infant, a relationship between mechanical abnormalities of the cervicocranial junction and suckling dysfunction exists; further research in this area could be beneficial. Possible physiological etiologies of painful suckling are presented.

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